(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso/-websites-/cfactory/site_gfx/topbttns/reqred.gif) (Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso/-websites-/cfactory/site_gfx/topbttns/ppcblu.gif) (Future Publishing)(GB)[!][Christmas issue].iso/-websites-/cfactory/site_gfx/topbttns/featblu.gif)
WHAT IS CANDY FACTORY?CandyFactory will take a black&white mask picture as an input and allow you to add shading, specular highlights,ambient light,variable bevels, normal and diffuse glows, softshadows, noisebump, metal effects etc. This will allow you to create things like flashy webgraphics, logo's and menubuttons. CandyFactory tries to give fast feedback on changes as much as possible. The position of the lightsource can be changed in realtime as can the material settings, amongst other things. Using a PowerUP board will give many sliders like the noisebump setting sliders realtime feedback as well and will give a 5 to tenfold speed increase over a 060. SYSTEM NEEDED
- AGA Machine capable of displaying Hires PAL or Double PAL.
- 4MB of fastmem.
- 68030 + fpu recommended as a minimum, a PPC will really speed things up.
- CandyFactory should work with GFX cards in 8bit screenmodes.
- 16MB of
- 68040 with FPU.